Elders is currently collaborating with one of the most prominent entities in Indonesia sneaker culture. Well if you are into sneakers, you must know them pretty well, who else, it is Bad Ass Monkey from South of Jakarta.
[vc_video link=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jTfM2cGNQzA” align=”center”]
Hope you enjoyed the video! in this blog, we will have a good chat with the man behind the brand “Bad Ass Monkey”, Isser James. enjoy!
EC (Elders Co): Hi Isser, what is up? welcome to elders family.
IJ (Isser James): I’m great, thanks! It’s an honor to be parts of Elders Big Family!
EC: Okay, first thing first. we know that you might not need an introduction, but please, introduce your self, lol.
IJ: Hello my name is Isser James. I am a sneaker enthusiast who ends up running my own sneaker store called “Bad Ass Monkey”. I also own a youtube channel named Badass 23 Monkey where I can share my knowledge around sneakers, streetwear and some of street culture influencers in Indonesia.
EC: What is sneaker to you, and what is a motorcycle to you?
IJ: Sneakers and motorcycles are 2 of the most important element to me. Both are parts of my life journey. sometimes when I saw some particular bikes/shoes it brings me back to my old memories from the past. Like for an example, when I saw metallic black Jordan 5 sneakers it really brings me back to the past, because I was wanting it so bad and it was my first basketball shoes. I also looked at my old Astrea Star and it touched my heart, I remember my hard times in life when I just started my first job as an employee and bought it 500k IDR from a very old security guard at the office.
EC: What bike do you ride now? and why?
IJ: Right now I ride 2014 Harley Davidson 883, why? because it is my dream bike since my young age. I remember my mother was so sad that she can not afford to buy me any bikes but she always promised me a prayer and always remind me to work hard so someday I can afford to by motorcycle like what I wanted. Luckily now I can afford one and I use it for everyday ride.
EC: What is your most memorable experience with bikes? tell us your bike story
IJ: I have so much of that Lol! but one I remember the most is that when I and my friend rode a very cheap bike and we went for so many troubles on the road, but it was so much fun!
EC: when we first discussed to collaborate, what exactly do you have in mind?
IJ: I think it is a genius idea to fuse and combine different elements and make it into something fresh! sneakers, streetwear, and motorcycle! who can say no to something that beautiful!?
EC: what do you think that we can do together? you know, by collaborating 2 different scenes, bikes and sneakers. its a totally different personality, but what do you think about it?
IJ: gonna be F* Dope!
EC: We have the finished goods displayed at Sneaker Peak Vol 3 last week. what do you think of the collaborated products?
IJ: The concept itself is crazy, and the finishing touch was beyond my expectation! we can see the response from the market was so massive, and everybody knows that the son of Indonesia’s President came to our booth and pre-ordered our Jacket!
EC: What is the message that you want to put in this collaboration?
IJ: Where ever you come from, whoever you are, don abide to the system. Be free, create and be your self!
EC: we are pretty psyched about this collab, want to do 2nd chapter of the collab? lol
IJ: Of course !!!!!! please say no more!!
EC: Okay Isser, it’s nice to talk to you. thank you for your time!
IJ: you are more than welcome guys!!
Elders Co x Bad Ass Monkey Collab is a bold move that we make to endorse the unity of two great culture in Indonesia. To prove that both scenes can come together and make something fresh for the market.
Products are currently open for pre-order, and will be available on the web pretty soon. So stay tuned!

Bad Ass Monkey located in Ahmad Dahlan no.30 Radio Dalam, South Jakarta.
Photography by Bill Satya Pratama
Video by Whitewood Visual