We have always been fascinated by a female motorcyclist, and today we have the amazing chance to get to know one. It’s Tamara Bell. One of the most influential female motorcyclists based in London UK. She is a model, a motorcyclist & creative director who has produced a short video for Elders Co (Coming soon!). She also organizes UK Custom Chopper Show – ASSEMBLY. It’s our dream girl! When we heard that Tamara was visiting Bali, we were very excited to meet her in person but the timing didn’t work out and we felt pretty upset about it. Anyway, it’s 2018, if you can’t meet her you can DM her! So we did, we got her on board to shoot and had the chance to have an interview with Tamara. You are welcome!
EC (Elders Co.)
So, Tamara, we hope you enjoy your time in Bali. is it your first time? or you do travel a lot?
TB (Tamara Bell)
I was in Bali loads last year, I think I ended up being there on three separate occasions for a couple of weeks at a time, attempting to surf and just riding around. I love it over there! I travel a lot, I get pretty restless staying in the same place for too long and luckily my job allows me to do that.

Every biker has its own love story with their bikes, How is yours? I mean, how did it all begin?
I don’t have any romantic stories about getting into bikes sadly – I was just a really shitty kid and was drawn to things that were dangerous and stupid. I found out way after I learned to ride that my Grandfather was into bikes too but sadly I never got to have that conversation with him.
Tell us how is motorcycle culture in the UK, especially in London.
Whenever I go back to the UK I’m always just fucking impressed when I am reminded of the conditions that everyone rides in. It’s cold as fuck and rains constantly but we’re all still out there riding which is rad. We all travel the entire country to ride together and support each other’s events, it’s a small but good community. There are some great shows all over the country – The Trip Out in Woodbridge, The Hook Up in Wales. We recently started Assembly Chopper Show last summer which will be returning to House Of Vans this summer, so it will be awesome to have everyone in London for the weekend again.

So, what is a motorcycle for Tamara Bell? is it passion? lifestyle? or a way of life?
Currently its a 1977 HD Ironhead that’s in pieces all over London. If I could stay in one spot for long enough it might have a chance of getting rebuilt. Ha.
I don’t know, all of the above I guess. it’s where I feel most comfortable, most chilled and most afraid all at once.

What is your first bike? and how old are you when you have it? and where is it right now?
The first bike I had was a killer little Matte Black Yamaha SR 125, Think I got it like 10 years ago now. I bought that thing before I knew what the fuck I was doing and just used to ride it around London at night hoping for the best. I started going to the auto jumble near my parent’s house and just asking all the old boys loads of questions about how to use it. I sold it to another young girl who was just learning to ride which was cool.
what about now, what is your bike right now? and what is the story?
I got this old Ironhead from a guy around Liverpool through a friend, said it had been sitting for quite a few years and he hadn’t done anything to do it other than get it to turn over. I was so stoked to finally have a bike again, I rode the shit out of it and then one of the Pistons blew up somewhere along the M40. It’s a bit of a mess at the moment. In the meantime, I’ll ride whatever anyone will lend me. I ride my friends 55 Panhead when I’m back in London, and most recently borrowed my best babe Imogen’s Sportster while I was in LA to ride out to the desert. I’m really lucky, every country I go to someone is always willing to let me ride/break their bike, it’s awesome.

We understand that you are well connected with other female bikers throughout the world? how did you guys do it?
I love meeting Women who are just putting the miles down and getting on with doing their thing without making a song and dance out of it. I’m lucky to know some of the raddest women worldwide who I love riding with. Motorcycles are generally something favored by men over women, that’s just how it is. So I guess we have a bond in that we all share a similar interest in something that is fairly male-dominated. It’s nice. Similarly, I’ve been riding with men for years and have equal love for them and the respect they have shown me as just a person who rides and likes motorbikes, regardless of gender.
you’ve been riding with friends in a lot of different places, which are your favorite one to ride? and why?
I think getting to rag a Royal Enfield around the mud volcanoes in Romania is still one of my best motorbike experiences. I was filming a commercial for one of their bikes a few years ago now and the landscape was just completely mad. There are so many places I still wanna ride, I would love to do some more off-road excursions.

what more do you want to achieve at the motorcycle scene? any dreams you want to fulfill?
I’m really enjoying working on the Assembly show and getting all these rad bikes from all over the world over to the UK so looking forward to seeing how the show progresses over the years.
I’d like to get some more miles down in some different countries and just continue to prioritize fun over any real life commitments. Send it!
14-15th 2018 July at House of Vans, SE1 London.
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